We know that a Lutheran church service may seem a little different compared to those of other denominations, but the goal is the same: to worship Jesus Christ in Fellowship with other Believers. We are happy to have you join us! Let us help you get to know what a typical service looks like.
Greeting: The pastor offers a morning greeting and discusses the theme of the day.
Opening Hymn: The opening hymn can be found within your worship bulletin. (If you’re musically inclined, sheet music for each hymn number can be found in the hymnals stashed in the pews!) The hymn helps set the tone for the service.
Invocation: The congregation is reminded by the pastor of their baptism in the name of Father, Son, & Holy Spirit.
Confession of Sins: Confession is time where we can confess our sins to God. This is an important step in worship because it reminds us that we are not capable of approaching God by ourselves. Through our confessions, we acknowledge where we fall short. We confess our sins to receive the promise of God’s forgiveness to us, restore our relationship with God, and allow us to stand before Him in joyous worship.
Scripture Readings: Our services usually include readings from the Old Testament, the Psalms, the New Testament, and from the Gospels. These readings often influence the sermon that day.
Gospel Music & Choral Anthems: The selection of music used in each service serves to enhance the theme of worship that day. We invite the congregation to sing along and make a joyful noise!
Sermon: The sermon is led by the pastor and is a means to explore the one or more of the passages we read earlier in the service. The word of the Lord is a valuable tool in our Christian faith. Through his or her sermon, the pastor provides the congregation with this message in a way that we can apply to our own Christian lives.
The Apostles’ Creed: We recite the Apostles Creed as a summary of the teachings that God has given us. These words are a reminder that all believers around the world and throughout time are united in the love of our Savior.
Offering: Offerings are gathered and used in the hope that it will help others find the loving and forgiving message of our Savior. Visitors are by no means expected or required to participate in the offering, but it is a way for church members to share the gifts that God has given us
Prayer: We believe as the Bible has taught in the power of prayer, and the importance of praying for those in many types of situations. At CTK, we boldly raise any and all concerns, special prayers, and thanks to the Lord.
Lord’s Prayer: At each service, we recite this prayer as Jesus himself taught to his own disciples to pray.
Communion: All baptized and believing Christians are welcome to receive communion. Wine is available in individual cups or via common cup. Juice is also available. The ushers will let you know when it’s your turn to approach the alter. Individuals who do not wish to receive communion may come to the altar with their arms folded to receive a blessing, or remain in their seat. If you would like to take communion but are unable to approach the altar due to mobility limitations, please let an usher or the pastor know. We will be happy to bring it to you!
Blessing: With this promise encouragement from God, we can depart from service with the strength to follow the Word and apply it to our own lives throughout the week.
We invite you to come experience our service for yourself. We are happy to answer any questions you may have!